
Showing posts from April, 2015

500. pomegranate and vanilla panna cotta

my 500th recipe      Its been an exciting journey since I started blogging. Along the way I have learnt so many new ingredients, recipes and cuisines. I've had my shares of flops and hits. I have also learnt how to try and salvage a flop dish, if possible. Looking back, I do have to update some of my recipes. I need to take better photos or do a better presentation. However, my main focus is always on the recipe itself. Since I have started blogging, its also been a way of sharing my thoughts and views with my followers. It's like a diary which I can go back to whenever I want. Sad and happy events, both have found space on my blog. So today's event cannot go unmentioned. An earthquake of magnitude 7.8 hit Nepal, parts of India and parts of Bangladesh. The level of destruction, the lives lost, the fear created and livelihoods snatched is enormous and unrepairable. Years back we had experienced a very small tremor in Mombasa, and that event scared me so much. So I cannot eve

499. eggless chocolate banana bundt cake

Celebration      As I mentioned in my previous post, April is full of birthdays and anniversaries. Last weekend we celebrated my hubby's mama's 77th birthday. I baked a cake for his birthday. It had to be eggless as mamaji is a total vegetarian, no eggs or meat or fish. I had loads of over ripe bananas and thought of using them up. Hot weather means bananas do not stay good for too long. I though of using butter icing and then changed my mind as I thought a 77 year old man deserves a more classy cake. He wanted to serve ice cream as dessert so mamiji requested for a cake that could be served with ice cream. I decided to drizzle the cake with some chocolate ganache. I am so glad I did that. My butter icing would have melted in the heat. That day was just too humid even in the evening. Mamaji at 77 is still full of energy. He loves his food, and he thoroughly enjoyed all the old hindi songs that were selected and some of the guests sang for him. Both mamaji and mamiji love entert

498. Fruit tartlets

Happy 50th Birthday Little Sister           April in our huge family is a busy month, birthdays and birthdays and birthdays and an anniversary.  Imagine my sister turning 50. Its funny how you think that all those who are younger to you are probably not getting older. I just spoke to my niece and its her birthday soon, and I thought she was just 22. Same way as I can't believe my sister is turning 50. I know she has grown up kids and all, but difficult to imagine that she is 50. However, these days age is just a number for a lot if us till our body starts aching and we need to hobble out of the bed in the mornings because of stiff bones. Memory is another give away when you just can't remember names. Yesterday I gave a lift to my friend and she asked me which make my little car is. Can you imagine I just couldn't remember... I go "its a Toyota". "Yes but which one", she asked and the name just wouldn't come. After I dropped her home and reached my ga

497. mango avocado salad

Facebook   Everyday I have the radio on while I am working in the kitchen or when I am exercising. East FM  Kenya is one of my best radio stations. The hindi songs vary from the modern to purana geet. What makes the radio station enjoyable is not just the selection of the songs but also the radio jockeys or hosts. This morning while getting breakfast ready Seema and Aleem the morning hosts, were discussing about Facebook. They have a knack of picking very interesting topics for discussions.  I love listening to them.So the discussion was what people use the Facebook for. Some love advertising what they are doing every minute, some love to bombard people with all sorts of quotes and advises. Some use Facebook to download selfies and how good they look. Some use it purely to advertise their business and some use it to show off their hobbies. The worst are the attention seekers, when they still presume they are teenagers looking for love. Whatever one uses Facebook for again everyone shou