
Showing posts from June, 2015

510. baked sakarpara

    SWEET SQUARES   Almost all the yummy treats or snacks that are available on the Indian Sub continent are fried. Every Indian home you will find jars or tins of these snacks ready anytime. I too love these snacks or farsan as they are called. However they are very high in calories and as a result we have to eat them with caution. However, many a times you will hear people say that 1 - 2 tbsp of the snack does not satisfy them and before they know it they have had a whole bowlful of the snack.  One of the snacks I really like is sakarpara. Sakar means sugar and para is diamond. So its basically diamond shaped sweet dough fried. However, there is no hard and fast rule on the shape. I prefer to cut them into squares. I tried baking sakarpara instead of frying them. The first time I tried out the recipe, the sakarparas were a bit hard. So second time round added baking powder and they turned out really crunchy and yummy. Try out the recipe. Kids too love sakarpara. By baking them you ar