
Showing posts from November, 2016

599. Shahi Mushroom Korma

A rich cuisine        Every week my blogging scene is a bit like the following - try and prepare and write out the post before or on Monday. I wait impatiently to see what the rest of the #FoodieMonday #Bloghop members have made pertaining to the chosen theme, then I visit the posts and comment on them. Tuesday the group whatsapp goes all haywire as we try and decide on the theme. So basically we get 5 days to prepare the dish. But 5 days just fly and by Sunday I'm thinking "oh dear my dish is not ready". Then its like a storm in the kitchen. Well that's the scene nowadays till my daughter gets married. When I'm in Mombasa I usually have the dish ready before Saturday as usually hubby and I go to our beach apartment to spend the weekend.        Coming to our #67th theme for the #FoodieMonday#Bloghop, we decided to explore the #Mughlai cuisine . We all make something or the other with rich gravy or exotic biryanis, succulent kebabs without giving it much thought.

598. Paneer and Mushroom Enchiladas

DRASTIC CHANGES - America counts votes as India counts notes    Early this morning as I sat at the computer to write my post for today I was in a dilemma whether to write about Children's Day which is being celebrated today in India or about the shock that the PM Narendra Modi gave the whole nation on Tuesday 8th November 2016 at around 9p.m. My blog being also a sort of diary for me about important events and personal happenings, the issue on demonetisation won.   As usual I was busy watching my Indian series when I noticed on my mobile that our apartment block group going a bit crazy. Checked the first message and read that from midnight all 500 and 1000 rupees notes will be banned. My first reaction was 'is someone sending out a joke or what?' Then a few seconds later hubby dear calls from Mombasa to ask what's happening. That's when I knew that it was not a joke. I asked him to put the phone down and immediately switched to the news channel. I sat there wide eye

597.Colocasia Root(Taro root) Flatbread /Arbi ke Paranthe#BreadBakers

Colocasia Root(Taro root) Flatbread/Arbi ke Paranthe#BreadBakers   When Karen Kerr of Karen's Kitchen Stories set the November theme to use any root vegetable in our bake I thought "oh no just baked with potatoes last month!" What now?? Thought of carrots and couldn't think beyond that. Thrice a week a vendor comes to our apartment complex to sell fruits and vegetables. He brings colocasia roots every time and I just tend to pass by them and pick up other vegetables. So this week, I actually stopped to buy the colocasia roots as now my mind had progressed from carrots to something different. By the way, if you want to learn how to use sourdough and make exotic and different kinds of breads then make sure you visit Karen's site. She has an awesome collection.   Colocasia roots, also known as taro roots, or as arbi in India, is a popular vegetable in many parts the world. Its known as arrowroot or nduma in Kenya, kalo in Hawai, or as dasheen. I personally have neve

596. Moroccan Vegetable Soup

Back to a normal diet   After all the festivities... Navratri followed by Diwali, its time to avoid all the sweet stuff, the fired goodies and its time to get back to a normal, healthy diet. After the festivities and over indulgence ( I must admit I had quite a bit of chips with yogurt dip and fried wedges) our #FoodieMonday#Bloghop team decided that our #65theme should be #soups . I love soups, not so much the ready made ones but  the home made ones.    Soups can be smooth and creamy, light and a bit watery or wholesome. I decided to prepare a wholesome soup, full of vegetables and lentils and with a hint of spiciness. You can literally make wholesome soups your meal. Just add the veggies, proteins and serve with some bread and hey presto you have a balanced meal.   Moroccan soups are usually made with meat and veggies. They are served during the month of Ramadan to break the fast and during the rest of the year served as a starter or as a light meal. Basic Moroccan or Harira soup ma