
Showing posts from December, 2016

601.Oatmeal Banana Quick Bread

A satisfying beginning to the day    Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Breakfast is breaking a fast; a fast you undergo from the time you had dinner to the time you have breakfast. Importance of breakfast has been stressed by athletes, dietician, doctors, physical trainers. Breakfast provides the necessary fuel required for the brains and body after the overnight fast. Meals usually consumed for breakfast provide important nutrients like iron, calcium, B vitamins, proteins and fibers that are necessary to function during the day. A balanced meal of carbohydrates, proteins and minerals and vitamins is what most breakfast meals provide us with. Eating cereals, eggs, lean meat, fruits, vegetables, milk products take care of the required balance meal.    Eating a well balanced and filling breakfast helps us to feel full most of the day and its unlikely that one will binge at lunch or dinner if one has had a hearty breakfast. Skipping breakfast usually makes us reach out for

600. Date Bread

Season's Greetings to all    Hope you all have had a wonderful Christmas holiday. It's really satisfying to be back to blogging after over a month. My daughter is married and happy with her hubby and new family. Must say it has been a roller coaster ride for us preparing for this wedding. We call my daughter 'The drama queen of the family' and drama certainly happened ever so often. Don't get me wrong it was not her creating the drama, but events or mishaps which would be followed by drama from the 'queen'. The first such incident was when special earrings she had ordered from a designer all the way in Ludhiana arrived let's say just for one ear and not two! That's the time she cried and cried wanting her dad and brothers to be by her side(they were about to arrive in a few days from their respective cities) now and now and now. Crying, she threw her aunt and me out of the room. After a while went to pacify her to come and have dinner. "I don