
Showing posts from December, 2011

A mission to accomplish

My name is Mayuri Patel. I was born and brought up in Kenya, East Africa. I live in the beautiful coastal town of Mombasa.I am happily married with 3 grown up kids or rather adults. I am a retired teacher. I try to keep my recipes as simple as possible. I have learnt how to cook from many women who I have met, come across or even stayed with. I didn't want some of the traditional recipes to get lost in this ever changing fast world but at the same time have included more modern versions of certain recipes.All my recipes have been tried and tasted before blogging.  2012 had to be different as I celebrated my 50th birthday. Some throw a big party, go on a cruise, take a holiday of a lifetime etc. I wanted to dedicate my 50th year to cooking, my passion. Sometime back I watched the movie Julie Julia and just loved the way Julie diligently tried out every recipe in Julia Child's recipe book. Well, I personally am not on a mission to follow any famous chef's recipe book but have