180. vaghareli chaas

a daily health drink

Chaas or lassi is a healthy yogurt drink. Besides getting your daily dose of calcium and protein, chaas is very cooling drink and settles your tummy after an extra hot, I mean chilli meal. We have chaas everyday and I don't consider my meal complete without it. Don't laugh, but these days I have it with pasta, tacos, basically any meal. Out goes the fizzy damaging coke and in comes the chaas. Haven't had chaas and pizza yet!  Now that I don't keep any fizzy drinks at home, I do offer it to my guests, but occasionally do get  funny looks too.... what serving chaas instead of soda or packet juices! But then its so normal to serve chaas in India especially during summer.

 Serves 2

1 cup yogurt
1 cup chilled water
¼ tsp salt
1 tbsp finely chopped fresh coriander
8 curry leaves
½ green chilli, finely chopped
½ tsp cumin seeds (jeera)
1 tsp oil or ghee (clarified butter)

  1. Whisk yogurt, water and salt together in a deep pan or bowl.
  2. Heat oil or ghee in a small pan.
  3. Add cumin seeds and curry leaves when the oil is hot.
  4. Add coriander and chilli. Stir fry the mixture till the curry leaves become slightly crispy.
  5. Add the tempered mixture into the yogurt and water mixture.
  6. Mix and serve immediately.
Tips :
  • Can omit chillis if serving this chaas to kids or add chilli paste.
  • For a different flavour add 2 to 3 cloves to the oil when it is hot.
  • Serve with ice cubes if you like.
  • Chaas can be kept in the fridge for 2 days without it going really sour.
  • For a thicker chaas add ½ a cup more of yogurt.
You may want to check out the following:
watermelon beetroot juice

Sending this recipe for the following event:


  1. This is my favourite drink in summer.. the vaghar gives a lovely flavour to the chaas


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