189. raiwala marcha (chillis with mustard powder)

chilli hot

I am not a fan of chillis in any form. As I have mentioned before I do not like really chilli food as it just masks the taste of the other ingredients and spices. However, with my dad coming to my home after nearly 10 years, I wanted to make his stay as comfortable and special as possible. So on the list of to dos was making raiwala marcha (chillis with mustard powder). I have watched my mum, Nunu, kaki, bhabhis make this particular recipe umpteen of time but really never paid much attention as I don't really need it. Selfish you may say, but hey did manage to make them for my dad and he loved them. Just 2 to 3 chillis are left which  he needs to finish before he goes to Nairobi. So this recipe is for all those who don't care much about chillis but may need to at some point. Make them for guests, friends or relatives. It has been approved by the chilli eating master aka dad. Tinu don't get me wrong, we will  go for the special chilli drink when I visit London. That one I like! 

Serves ..... seriously can't say when all these chilli eaters get together.

12 to 16 green fresh chillis
1 tbsp lemon juice
2 tbsps coarse mustard powder (rai na kuria)
2 tbsps oil
1 tsp salt
¼ tsp turmeric powder (haldi)
1 tsp sugar

  1. Wash the green chillis and wipe them with a kitchen towel or a clean cloth.
  2. Slit them lengthwise from the top to the tip but not all the way.
  3. Remove the seeds.
  4. Whisk with an electric hand blender or whisk the remaining ingredients. It should become creamy.
  5. Place the chillis in the container you are going to store or serve in. 
  6. Pour the whisked mixture over it.
  7. Mix well.
  8. Leave at room temperature for a day for the spices to set in.
  9. Serve.
  10. Store the remaining in the fridge.
Tips :
  • Wear gloves when working with the chillis.
  • Snip with a pair of scissors the white part of inside the chilli from the stem side to remove the seeds easily.
  • The pickle will stay at room temperature for a few days but after that store in the fridge.
  • Water will spoil the pickle quickly, so make sure the chillis are dried thoroughly.


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