447. strawberries and fresh cream

delightfully cooling

   A few days ago I got a punnet of fresh strawberries that were fresh, large and sweet. Normally we get tiny and slightly sour ones. The season of strawberries will disappear soon as the hot season has set in. I brought the punnet home and thought of baking some strawberry muffins. But by evening I had served strawberries with fresh cream as dessert. I remember how my kaki and I would buy loads of strawberries and fresh cream to serve our large family as a treat on Saturday evenings. This is a very easy and quick dessert idea. Refreshing and cooling. We have sometimes served mixed berries and cream as dessert in London. Unfortunately I don't get all the berries here. Natural Ice cream parlours in India serve fresh strawberries and cream. Tastes absolutely yummy. Go on try this recipe out, its so easy. Some serve the strawberries and pouring cream. Some whip it. Do what suits you best.

Serves 2

250 g fresh strawberries
1- 2 tsp powdered sugar
½ cup of cold fresh cream

  1. Wash and hull the strawberries. Cut them into halves or quarters.
  2. Add sugar to the strawberries and mix well.
  3. Cover and leave in the fridge till required. 
  4. Whip the fresh cream till it fluffy and forms soft peaks.
  5. Spoon the strawberries into a serving bowl.
  6. Top with fresh cream and serve.
  • Add a bit of powdered sugar to the cream before whipping it if you prefer sweeter desserts.
  • Add a dash of your favourite liqueur to the strawberries.
  • Use pouring cream if you don't want to serve whipped cream.
You may want to check out the following:
strawberry frozen yogurt
Sending this recipe to the following event:


Cooks Joy


  1. Lovely, my kids like this combo a lot, I buy store bought whip cream and strawberries.

  2. This looks heavenly.. Love strawberry anytime.

  3. Nothing beats fresh strawberries and cream.In Uk we get them all summer long.

  4. Strawberries and cream is a lovely combo.. yummy dessert..

  5. Strawberries go well with fresh cream or vanilla ice cream.


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