457. mango and passion fruit paletas

beat the heat

     Extreme weather is some what becoming a norm in the present time.  6 feet of snow in autumn, torrential rains accompanied by landslides and floods, high temperatures, cold gusty winds, cold spells. All this is happening due to pollution, less trees, concrete jungles, thinning ozone layer and so many other factors put together. Usually around Diwali time our apartment gets a lovely cool sea breeze and many a times we have to close the windows so that doors do not bang, vases do not topple over and curtains do not fly out of the window like flags.Sometimes in the evening the breeze makes us feel a bit cold. The cool breeze, day and night lasts till the month of February and then it changes direction and the apartments facing the west, receive the breeze. However, this year its a different story altogether.There is no breeze at all and the temperatures are high. My wind chime has not jingled at all! We feel like having cold drinks, ice creams, ice, fruits and salads. My hubby keeps on reminding me not to make the dal and sabji piping hot. 
     I had invited my friend's family over for dinner and wanted to make a really nice cold dessert. Mangoes are in season so I decided to make mango and passion fruit paletas. Paletas is a Latin American name for popsicles or ice lollies. They usually are made from fresh fruit. Palo is stick and eta refers to the stick frozen in the item. 
    Mango and passion fruit is a good combination, sweet and tangy all in one. We are lucky that both the fruits are available in abundance in Kenya. As some of you may have noticed, I tend to use mangoes and passion fruit a lot in most of my fruity desserts. Hope you enjoy this recipe.

makes about 20*

500 g (2¼ cups) chopped ripe mango (can use frozen)
1 cup fresh cream
1 cup passion fruit pulp + ¼ cup more
1 (15oz) can sweetened condensed milk
pinch of salt

  1. First you need to prepare the passion fruit concentrated juice.
  2. Scoop out the pulp from the passion fruit to make up a cup.
  3. Put the pulp in a jug of a blender.
  4. Pulse it  for a few seconds. You will notice that the pulp will come off the seeds. 
  5. Strain the mixture using a sieve and a big spoon, take out all the juice till just the seeds are left.
  6. You should get about ½ cup of passion juice concentrate.
  7. Using the passion juice, puree the chopped mangoes. 
  8. Strain the mixture using a sieve to remove any mango fibres.
  9. Put the mango puree in the blender again.
  10. Add the fresh cream and sweetened condensed milk.
  11. Blend the mixture till its all mixed.
  12. Add the ¼ cup of passion fruit pulp. Mix well.
  13. Pour the mixture into the ice lolly moulds.
  14. Freeze for 3-4 hours or till its frozen.
  • * The moulds I have are pretty small so 1 got 20 paletas. 
  • You can use the fresh passion fruit concentrate available in most indian stores. Since it already contains sugar, use less of the sweetened condensed milk. Can use half of the sweetened condensed milk and half evaporated milk.
  • If you do not have lolly moulds use your kulfi moulds or use small glasses or yogurt pots. When the mixture is half frozen, cover the containers with aluminium foil. Make a small cut in the middle and insert the sticks. 
  • I used about 10 -12 passion fruits to get 1¼ cups of the pulp. However, it all depends on the size of the passion.
  • Wrinkled skin of the passion fruit means that the fruit will be juicy and have a nice deep orange or yellow colour. You want to buy the wrinkled ones. Leave them at room temperature for a few days and the smooth skin will begin to wrinkle.
You may want to check out the following:
pineapple paleta
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Does your area experience extreme weather conditions?

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a mummy too



  1. Very tempting... Looks similar to our kulfi..

  2. These sound SO good. I love mango and passionfruit.

  3. Wow.. looks like you read my mind.. I was thinking of making passion fruit kulfis.

  4. They call it popsicles too right ..I never knew this name ..It seems to be yet another wonderful kulfi.


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