519.Mango Kolache # Bread Bakers

Taking tropical fruit to Europe

Let me introduce you to the group:
#BreadBakers is a group of bread loving bakers who get together once a month to bake bread with a common ingredient or theme.  
Follow our Pinterest board right here. 
Links are also updated each month on this home page.
How is the theme decided?
We take turns hosting each month and choosing the theme/ingredient.  
Would you like to join?
If you are a food blogger and would like to join us, just send Stacy an email with your blog URL to foodlustpeoplelove@gmail.com.
     I just recently joined a new group which bakes. Different groups have different rules and different themes. I am excited and the same time a bit apprehensive. I am hoping I will be able to meet the requirements. As soon as the host for the month Pavani of Cook's Hideout set the theme for August, which is bread made with summer bounty, I thought "it's not really summer in my part of the world". We are going through what is known as the rainy season. However, we are blessed with sunshine throughout the year. So I guess you can say that we perpetually have summer whole year round. Well, living at the coast, the first summer ingredient that came to my mind was mango. Combination of mango and a bookmarked recipe resulted in a mango kolache. Thank you so much Pavani for the wonderful theme.
   Kolache is a Czech bread usually baked during celebrations. It usually consists of a yeast sweet dough in a round shape with a topping of a sweet mixture.Either fresh, tinned or dried fruits like peaches and plums, cream cheese, poppy etc are some of the more famous fillings. Modern times means more modern fillings like blueberries, cherries, apricots are more popular. Some add posipka (streusel) on top. For more details about the history of kolache please visit this link.
   The sweet yeast dough is enriched by using butter, milk and egg. The texture of the dough was much like a brioche. The bread turned out soft and pastry like. I should have brushed the buns with egg wash before filling the dents. I forgot to do that and as a result you will see the white ring around the filling.
   So followers enjoy a treasure trove of summer bounty breads made by the group members.

Makes 12 -15
Recipe adapted from Saveur

For the sweet yeast dough :

3-3½ cups plain flour (all purpose baking flour)
¾ cup warm milk
1 egg
2¼ tsp instant dry active yeast
¼ tsp salt
4 tbsp soft butter
6 - 8 tbsp sugar
1 tsp grated lemon rind (zest)

For the filling :

1 cup diced ripe mango (peeled)
1 tsp lemon juice
2 tbsp cornstarch (cornflour)
4 tbsp water
2 tbsp sugar
½ tsp cardamom powder (elachi)

For egg wash :
1 egg
2 tbsp water

extra flour for dusting
extra butter for greasing

Preparation of the dough :
  1. Mix flour, sugar, salt, lemon zest and yeast in a big bowl.
  2. Add egg to the warm milk and whisk it lightly.
  3. Add the milk and egg mixture to the flour.
  4. Make a dough and knead it, adding butter at intervals till you get a smooth and silky dough.
  5. If the dough is too sticky, add little flour but not too much. Shape the dough into a big ball.
  6. Grease the bowl with butter. Put the dough into the bowl. Cover with a cling film.
  7. Let the dough rise till its double the size in a warm place. This will take about 2-3 hours.
  8. Gently press the dough with your knuckles. Working on a board or work top dusted with flour, shape the dough into a rope. 
  9. Cut into 12 -15 parts.
  10. Roll each part into a ball. Cover with a tea towel. Let the balls rest for 10 -15 minutes.
  11. Prepare the egg wash by whisking the egg and water lightly.
  12. Shape each part again into a round ball. Place on a greased or lined baking sheet.
  13. Using a rolling pin, make a dent in the middle of each ball.
  14. Brush the buns with the egg wash.
  15. Fill the dent with 1 tsp of the filling.
  16. Let the buns rise for 30 - 45 minutes till they are double the size.
  17. Preheat the oven to 180°C.
  18. Bake the kolache for 15 minutes or till they are golden brown.
  19. Remove them from the tray and let them cool on a wire rack.
  20. Serve with tea or coffee.
Preparation of the filling:
  1. Put mango and sugar in a pan.
  2. Heat over low heat till the sugar melts.
  3. Mix cornflour and water together.
  4. Add the cornflour and mix. 
  5. Cook over low heat till it becomes thick.
  6. Cool the mixture.
Tips :
  • I added only 6 tbsp of sugar. The dough was not too sweet. If you prefer a sweet dough add 8 tbsp.
  • You can use apricot, peaches, cherries, blueberries etc instead of mango.
  • If you don't want to roll the buns, you may roll out the dough to about ½" thickness. Use a cookie cutter to cut out the rolls or buns. Make a dent and fill.
  • If you want to sprinkle the top with posipka then mix ½ cup sugar, ¼ cup plain flour, 2 tbsp butter and 1 tsp cinnamon powder. Sprinkle the top with posipka and bake.
You may want to check out the following :

Breads using summer bounty

Sending this recipe to the following event :
Bread Bakers

Breads using Summer Bounty:


  1. My mother used to make cherry or apple kolache when I was growing up and I always thought it was ultra fancy. Your mango version certainly runs circles around mainstream apple or cherry! Looks quite yummy!

    1. Thank you Cali. Many times I have to substitute fruits like cherries, apricots, peaches etc with tropical fruit.

  2. Welcome to the group! Those puffed up very nicely and look wonderful.

    1. Thank you Adam. Looking forward to learning a lot from all the members.

  3. I love kolaches and am obsessed with mango so this is a winner in my book!

  4. Welcome to our group Mayuri. I can see by this recipe that we are blessed to have you join us.

    1. Thank you Wendy. Its my privilege to bake with such fine bakers.

  5. Whoa, how gorgeous!! Definitely worth the work!

    1. Sarah, it was definitely worth the work and also enjoying all the comments too :)

  6. What a great looking sweet bread and I just love it!!

    1. Thank you Tara. Though I made the dough less sweet, its still was great with coffee.

  7. Love the mango addition in this bread, it is a great recipe.

    1. Thank you Kathya. Mango is practically available most year round here.

  8. Very nice! These look great! Welcome to the group!!! You did great =)

    1. Thank you Karen. I am going to have fun in this group.

  9. The mango is such an interesting filling for the bread, so glad to learn about this type of bread. Welcome to the group!

    1. Thank you so much Holly. While the bread was baking, my kitchen smelt of the sweet aroma of cardamom.

  10. These mango kolache are looking amazing, it must have tasted really delicious with the mango filling.

    1. The kolache did taste good with the mango. However next time I need to make a slightly more deeper dent to fill in more of the filling.

  11. OMG this looks amazing and with that mango filling my favorite fruit - this looks like such a treat!

  12. The addition of cardamom is an interesting twist, Mayuri. Our shops are full of mangoes right now so I'll have to give this a try!

  13. Kolache is something new to me.. Looks so good, will give a try soon..

  14. The combination of mango and cardamom sounds wonderful. These look great! Laura@ Baking in Pyjamas

  15. I made kolaches once but they were way too sticky. But oh do delicious. Mangoes are amazing so I have a pretty good idea how delicious your kolaches are.

  16. mango kolache looks delicious Mayuri love it.

  17. Welcome to the baking group Mayuri and you did just fine following the rules :-) Your mango kolache look amazing, I love the enriched dough and the yummy mango filling -- too good. Will have to try these some time.

  18. This is an unique recipe and I love it.............


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