
Showing posts from January, 2016

537. Farali dhokra

MOTHERHOOD   We live where there are numerous apartments in one compound. So no doubt we have a mixture of cultures and religions.Evening time comes alive as mothers and kids are all out walking, talking playing etc. A few days ago I overheard a conversation between young mums. As usual the talk was on how each one's child is performing in school, their manners, what they eat etc. What I noticed was that the conversation was turning into a competition as to whose child was better. On my way to the apartment I couldn't help thinking why these mums and their kids think they are in sort of a race. As our children grow up, we really don't remember if they did better than their classmates in sports or in the class. What we remember are the times we spent with them, holidays, at home, when they are sick, precious moments etc. Marks, degrees, trophies all become irrelevant. I wanted to go up to the mums and tell them to let their children live a life and not a life of comparison.

536. Tiger bread rolls/ Dutch crunch rolls

Tiger, tiger burning bright       Remember reciting this poem by William Blake when you were in school? I just couldn't help trying to remember the lines while I was baking this bread. I had to google the poem and check out the correct lines. Still can't remember the lines. It probably means my brains too are getting old :)      So lets come to the actual bread. I saw this mottled topped bread at Nakumatt  and was really fascinated by the effect. Bought the rolls and they tasted like just any other ordinary rolls. Then one fine day I stumbled upon the recipe and actual name of the bread... tiger bread or Dutch Crunch Bread. I wonder why its called tiger bread since there are no stripes on the top. It should actually be called a giraffe bread as it resembles the spots on a giraffe. Further search on the famous google led to this sort of bread being known as alligator bread too.Its believed that the bread originates from Netherlands. The paste or topping is made using rice flour

535.Buckwheat savoury pancakes/uttapams

Buckwheat savoury pancakes#Bread Bakers Starting a healthy year   The Bread Bakers theme for January is Ancient Grains hosted by Robin Beck of  A Shaggy Dough Story . I'll be honest, had a slight idea about ancient grains but never actually paid much attention to it. I have used some of them not knowing that they are classed as ancient grains. My research began on the internet as to what really are ancient grains(heritage grains). All the grains we know are somewhat ancient as they have existed for years. However ancient grains are ones that have not changed over the last hundred years i.e have not been hybridized. They have not been modified over the years.Ancient grains have more robust texture thriving without much pesticides and fertilizers.Some of the most common ancient grains are quinoa, millet, spelt, teff, sorghum, farro(emmer), kamut(khorasan), chia, freekeh,amaranth, buckwheat,barley, wild rice. I realised that the Indian cuisine uses quite a few of these ancient grains

review of some of the restaurants in Juhu

Juhu Please note that I have not been paid to review any of these places. Its entirely based on my experience.  I am back to my normal routine after a very hectic trip to Mumbai. We had made plans to actually see Mumbai this time and not spend all our time in Juhu and Vile Parle which we normally do. However God had other plans in store for us. The trip started off on a very hectic note, with our baggage not arriving with us in Mumbai. The Ethiopian Airline  ground staff is probably not trained well enough to handle situations when more than 100 passengers do not get their baggage. The staff could not get the tired and irritated passengers to queue, didn't have the presence of mind to deal with passengers who had connecting flights and didn't have the claim forms ready. The lady sitting comfortably at the desk, disappeared as soon as passengers began to complain!Ethiopian Airline has trained their staff very well in the disappearing act, whether it be at the Mumbai, Mombasa or