537. Farali dhokra
MOTHERHOOD We live where there are numerous apartments in one compound. So no doubt we have a mixture of cultures and religions.Evening time comes alive as mothers and kids are all out walking, talking playing etc. A few days ago I overheard a conversation between young mums. As usual the talk was on how each one's child is performing in school, their manners, what they eat etc. What I noticed was that the conversation was turning into a competition as to whose child was better. On my way to the apartment I couldn't help thinking why these mums and their kids think they are in sort of a race. As our children grow up, we really don't remember if they did better than their classmates in sports or in the class. What we remember are the times we spent with them, holidays, at home, when they are sick, precious moments etc. Marks, degrees, trophies all become irrelevant. I wanted to go up to the mums and tell them to let their children live a life and not a life of comparison. ...