569.Mini Garlic and Chilli Pull Apart Bread

Belated Happy Father's Day
    In between airports and rushing around like zombies with red shot eyes, I didn't get to wish my dad on Father's Day. I belong to the generation that takes hours to figure out how to access the free wifi at airports and by the time I do, its time to board the flight. There was a lot drama involved in catching our flight to Montreal. Our flight was on Friday 17 June to Doha and from there to Montreal. So the whole schedule was stuck in my head as leaving Friday night and reaching Montreal on Sat afternoon. By Thur night we are packed, planned Friday lunch in such a way that I would use up the last bits of veggies left. Thursday night after midnight my hubby's phone rings. Its one of those basic Nokia ones so the longer it rings the louder it gets. Hubby was snoring away to dreamland, and unable to sleep,I was reading. Initially, I just wanted to ignore the call and then several unpleasant thoughts flashed in a second in my mind... is it from India, is it from UK, from Dubai, are all well? So I rushed to pick the phone. 
"Hello," I answered.
"Hello, is that Doctor Patel?" the man at the other end asked.
"No, but I'm his wife." I replied with a bit of irritation as I thought this was a prank call.
"Dr. Patel is sleeping, can I help you?" I asked.
"Isn't he going to fly by Qatar Airways today?" asked the man.
"Yes but tonight". I replied
"No mam he has to be here now as the flight is at one." he informed me.
And my mind just went blank as I realized the blunder. 1 am is Friday morning and not Friday night.
My palms started sweating and my eyes wide open. Panic written all over my face. Here hubby is sleeping and we are still in Mombasa. How can we be at the Nairobi airport in half an hour. 
The man must have realized that I panicked so he advised me to call the Qatar Airways office at 08.30 and they will help me out.
I didn't sleep the whole night as its the first time we have missed a flight because we got the time of day wrong.However, we did get the flight re booked and traveled the following day. The lady who re booked our flights reminded me thrice on the phone that I should be at the Jomo Kenyatta Airport at 10p.m on Saturday and even sent an email. 
I don't think we are ever going to presume 1 a.m. is night ever again. 
  As we landed in Doha, rushed off to freshen up and catch the next flight. As we kept on walking and walking with our Gate no where is sight, I wished my hubby happy father's day. He didn't hear that, for that matter any other conversation we may have had in between. His main focus was catching the Montreal flight! So as I am writing this post, he claims that I didn't wish him!
   Coming to 45th #FoodieMonday#Bloghop theme, we decided on making bread. My past few posts have been sweet bread so I decided on a savoury one. I've been wanting to make a pull apart bread for a long time. I made mini version so that I could share some of it with my neighbour. I made garlic and chilli pull apart bread. My dad loves his chillis so keeping him in mind, added some green chillis. The outcome was delicious and loved the hint of chilli in the bread. Read on for the recipe. 
   As I am writing this post, its only 9 a.m.in Montreal and its so so hot. Looking out its seems as though its already 12 noon or so. Hubby is getting a bit impatient as he wants to get out and walk to the park. I want to clean up my bachelor son's kitchen before I begin cooking anything! But the walk will definitely win... the dirty kitchen can wait! 
    Lastly, hats off to all the Fathers(Daddies, Papas, Dadas) out there. Mums have been able to spend so much time with their kids while dads have had to make ends meet and provide for the family. I was able to spend lotsof time with my kids in their formative years while my husband worked hard to provide for us. My dad has and is my ardent supporter and listener. He is like a Rock of Gibraltar, always there in times of sorrow and happiness. There is still so much I learn from him. Value for family, being there for all, how to be more organised.  Remembering my father in law also, miss him so much. He also provided us with valuable support, advise and had a wonderful sense of humour. 

Mini Garlic and Chilli Pull Apart Bread
Makes 12

2 cups wholewheat flour
1 cup plain flour( all purpose flour)
2 tsp instant dry active yeast
1 tsp salt
½ tsp sugar
1- 1¼ cup warm milk
2 tbsp soft butter

For dipping:
100g butter
4 cloves of garlic - mince them
½ - 1 tsp green chilli paste
½ tsp dried parsley
½ tsp dried oregano

For sprinkling on top:
some sea salt

extra flour for dusting
extra butter for greasing
  1. Mix the flours, yeast, salt and sugar in a big bowl.
  2. Add butter and rub into the flour.
  3. Add milk and form a dough which is not too stiff or sticky.
  4. Dust the worktop with some flour.
  5. Knead the dough on the worktop till its smooth and elastic. This will take about 10-15 minutes by hand and 7-10 minutes by machine.
  6. Grease the bowl lightly with oil or butter.
  7. Roll the dough into a ball shape.
  8. Put in it the greased bowl. Cover it with a tea towel or cling film.
  9. Let the dough rise till its double the size. This will take about 1-1½ hours.
  10. Prepare the dipping mixture. Melt butter and add the rest of the ingredients. Mix well.
  11. Gently knead the dough and roll it out into a long rope.
  12. Cut the rope into 60 parts. Each piece should be about 1".
  13. Grease a muffin tray lightly with butter.
  14. Dip a piece of the dough in the dipping liquid and place it in the muffin tray.Repeat with the remaining pieces of dough.
  15. Put about 5 pieces in each cavity.
  16. Pour remaining butter over the bread.
  17. Sprinkle the tops with some sea salt.
  18. Let the dough rise for 45-1 hour.
  19. Preheat the oven to 180°C.
  20. Bake the bread in the hot oven for 15 -20 minutes till the tops are light golden brown.
  21. Remove the mini breads from the oven. Place them on a wire rack to cool.
  22. Serve warm mini garlic pull apart bread with soup, curry or stew.
  • Can mix half butter and olive oil for the dipping.
  • Use herbs of your choice.
  • Sprinkle the baked bread with parmesan cheese before serving.
You may want to check out the following:
garlic rolls
Sending this recipe for the following event:

Blog Hop

Sharing with the Bread Box, hosted by Karen's Kitchen Stories and An Italian in my Kitchen.


  1. dee it's simply mouthwatering treat...that garlic,chilli and butter..yum

    1. Thank you Nisa, we certainly loved the flavour, chilli and garlic.

    2. Flavourful bake Di! Lovely Father's Day dedication for Uncle.

  2. I ove everyti I visit your bog, the information the emotions and the varieties of bread is a must try.

  3. So damn yummyyy!!!! Any garlic flavor bread I am always in

  4. This is a wonderful share. Perfectly baked bread. Love the varieties that you shared.

  5. I have yet to put chili in my bread. Why not? I don't know whether I can bake as successfully in someone's kitchen. Well done.


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