625. Peanut and Fruit Salad (Chaat)

Peanut and Fruit Salad(Chaat) #Fantastical Food Fight
Trying to eat healthy
   When you're a food blogger and food is your passion, its pretty difficult to stay away from all those tempting recipes out there in the cyber world and cook books. I get tempted to try out so many recipes and the more calories it has the temptation level is that much higher!
    Recently I joined this group called Fantastical Food Fight. I got tempted to join after I saw the absolutely tempting cookies made by Karen of Karen's Kitchen Stories. After I oooooogled at the photos till I was drooling, she suggested that we should check out what other members of the group had made. I scrolled down and recipes had me salivating. 

    Just when I joined, the theme for March happen to be PB&J (peanut butter and jelly).And I thought oh no here goes out the healthy eating... but as I read on further, Sarah Ellis (host of the group) mentioned that peanuts and fruit should be a part of the recipe. Phew!!!!!! I decided to make a super healthy peanut and fruit salad. Blessed with loads of tropical fruits here in Kenya, I used both mango and avocado, along with pomegranate to add a bit of tart taste. I soaked and cooked the peanuts with salt and turmeric powder. As you all know, turmeric powder (haldi) is a must in any Indian's spice box. Turmeric has been used for centuries in Indian cooking and also as medicine. I remember if any of us had a cut or bruises my mum would apply a paste of turmeric powder. If we had colds and coughs, warm water with turmeric and honey was our medicine. Read the benefits of turmeric here.


½ cup raw peanuts
1 medium tomato or 10-12 cherry tomatoes
1 small avocado
1 small ripe mango(ripe but firm)
½ cup pomegranate seeds (arils)
½ cup chopped fresh coriander (cilantro)
¼ cup chopped fresh spring onion (scallion)
½ tsp pink salt or sea salt or normal table salt
¼ tsp cumin seed powder
¼ tsp chilli flakes
¼ tsp turmeric powder
2 tbsp lemon juice
  1. Soak the peanuts overnight in warm water.
  2. Next day drain out the water, wash the peanuts. 
  3. Put the peanuts in a pan with enough water, ¼ tsp salt(from the measured salt) and turmeric powder. Cook the peanuts till done.( I used a pressure cooker and allowed the peanuts to cook till 1 whistle)
  4. Drain out the excess water and let the peanuts cool.
  5. In the meantime get the other ingredients ready. If you're using a normal tomato, cut it into half and remove the pulp and seeds.Dice the tomato.
  6. Peel and dice the mango and avocado. Sprinkle a bit of lemon juice over the avocado.
  7. Put the peanuts, chopped fruits, chopped coriander and spring onion into a big serving bowl.
  8. Add remaining salt, chilli flakes, cumin powder and lemon juice. 
  9. Mix the salad well. Serve as a light meal or as an accompaniment to a main meal. Super healthy and filling.
  • If you don't like boiled peanuts, use roasted but boiled ones taste much better for this salad.
  • Use fruits of your choice.
  • I haven't used a dressing but you can add a dressing of your choice.
  • For cumin powder, roast the cumin seeds in a pan over low heat, till you get a grassy aroma. Don't burn them. Cool a bit and powder it in a herb mill or using a rolling pin or a mortar and pestle.
Check out what other members have made for the PB&J theme:

Sending this recipe for to the following event:


  1. I love this salad. Thanks so much for sharing.

  2. This salad looks wonderful! Great idea for pb&j!

  3. That salad sounds so delicious! Such an original and healthy take on the theme! I'm so very, very happy you joined the group Mayuri =)

    1. Thank you Karen, trying to make healthy versions of food this year. Thanks for the warm welcome.

  4. Welcome to the group!!! Excited to see what you will be sharing in the months to come! This month you've blown me away with this super creative idea! YUM!

    1. Thank you Alicia, looking forward to the themes and being a part of this wonderful group.

  5. Oh... what a superb and delicious looking salad! I would eat that entire bowl of goodness... love salads like these...

  6. This looks seriously awesome!Yummy!

  7. I'm so glad someone went a savory route. Great recipe and welcome to the "fight"!

    1. Thank you Lauren, my hubby and daughter didn't want me to make anything sweet.

  8. i love the sound of this salad! so creative!

  9. This chaat looks delicious and I love all the combination of ingredients.


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