647. Cherry Cobbler Parfait

Precious Cherries

   For the month of May, the Fantastical Food Fight theme was Cherry Cobbler. As I read that, I thought here's another month I'll have to sit out (last month was BLT and being a vegetarian B was certainly out for me). I asked if I could use glaced cherries and the reply was yes. However, wasn't feeling too happy about using them. So I waited practically till the last minute still deciding what to make. The charming thing about this group is that you don't have to participate monthly. Last Saturday I went to the local vegetable shop and I saw a whole big carton of cherries smiling at me. I asked the price and nearly fainted. Cherries are not tropical and so they are imported from South Africa or where ever! These days it baffles me to see Parathas from Philippines (I thought that was a rice eating nation), Oats from Turkey and just lets not get into what the Chinese are selling to Africa.

  Getting back to the precious cherries, I shopped for the other stuff and walked out without the cherries. $29 for 1kg... yes I'm not joking. With thoughts banging in my head, I did an about turn and bought 250 g on the condition I am allowed to pick the cherries myself. I didn't want any spoiled ones... not if I'm paying nearly $7 (Ksh 722/-). Shhh, for once hope hubby is not going to read the post :) Now you can see what silly things we bloggers can do. Anyway, I'm glad I spent that money on sweet, juicy cherries.

   I didn't want to make the cobbler, though I was tempted to as I've not made one like for years! However, wasn't going to spend a fortune on butter (yes, this crazy country is selling local butter 500 g at $9.70 all in the name of drought and now rains). The best next option for me was to make a cherry cobbler parfait and I am so glad I made that because its another dessert/breakfast added to my healthy list.
Usually a parfait has layers of fruits with layers of ice cream, whipped cream, yogurt , jelly(jello) or custard and something crunchy in between. I decided to use yogurt. I made the cherries the way we would normally do for the cobbler and since I didn't want to add too much flour to the crunchy biscuit topping, I replaced it with some oats.

Serves 2

250 g fresh cherries
1 tsp sugar
1 tsp cornflour (corn starch)
¼ cup water
3 tbsp oats
1 tbsp flour
2 tsp butter/oil
1-2 tsp brown sugar
¼ tsp cinnamon powder
a generous pinch of clove powder
1 cup plain greek yogurt or any thick yogurt
½ tsp vanilla essence
1-2 tbsp powdered sugar or honey or maple syrup
  1. To prepare the cherry filling wash and pit the cherries. Cut them into halves.
  2. Mix cherries, 1 tsp sugar, water and cornflour in a heavy bottomed pan.
  3. Cook the mixture over low heat till the cherries become a bit soft and the syrup becomes thick.
  4. Cool the mixture and store in the fridge till required.
  5. I strained the yogurt to remove excess water. Cover a strainer or big sieve with a clean cotton cloth.I like to use  gent's hankerchief for this purpose as it's just the right size. 
  6. Pour the yogurt into the hankerchief.  Cover with the edges of the hankerchief. To make the process a bit fast, fold a page of newspaper and place it over the covered yogurt. Place something heavy on it like a pestle and mortar or a  small brick or stone. This presses the yogurt down and the paper absorbs the water. 
  7. While the yogurt is getting ready, make the topping or biscuit/cookie.
  8. Preheat the oven to 180°C.
  9. Mix flour, oats, brown sugar, butter or oil cinnamon and clove powder together.
  10. Put the mixture on a lined baking tray.
  11. Bake it for 10-12 minutes.After 8 minutes keep an eye on the cookie mixture,you don't want it to burn.
  12. Take it out of the oven and let it cool.
  13. Crumble up the baked mixture. If not using it immediately, then store it in an airtight container.
  14. Scoop out the thick yogurt from the cloth into a mixing bowl.
  15. Add vanilla essence, sugar (honey, maple syrup) and mix it well till it is smooth. Let it chill in the fridge for at least 30-40 minutes.
To assemble the parfait:
  1. Take 2 glasses.
  2. Add half of the yogurt into both the glasses.
  3. Top it half of the cherry filling.
  4. Sprinkle the crumbled mixture.
  5. Add the remaining yogurt to both the glasses.
  6. Add the remaining cherry filling and finally sprinkle the crumbled mixture over it. 
Serve the chilled parfait as dessert or as breakfast.

  • I used home made yogurt as the ready made yogurts are too sweet.
  • If you don't want to make the oat flour topping or crumble then just break up your favourite cookies and use that instead.
  • You can use ready made cherry filling, but again the sugar content may be high.
Check out what the other members have prepared for the cherry cobbler theme:

Sending this recipe to the following event:


  1. Those are gorgeous! What a perfect way to enjoy those precious cherries. Yes, we bloggers will do a lot for the post, won't we? I just bought ahi tuna at $28 per pound!

    1. Thanks Karen, every cent spent on the parfait was worth it. My hubby gets irritated if I'm shopping with him and I go hunting for a particular ingredient :)

  2. Holy Cow....that is some expensive groceries there.....Glad you decided to join us. I made more of a crumble than a cobbler as well.

    1. Yes, Wendy sometimes we too wonder whether we are living in a developing country or a developed one! The rains are here but basic food prices are still high. I loved the lighter crumble than the buttery cookie topping.

  3. That recipe looks every bit worth the effort you took to get the cherries - not to mention the cost . It is so drool worthy.

  4. This looks heavenly and well worth the price of those precious cherries! While they aren't as expensive here, they are pretty costly! Such a shame because I really do love cherries!

    1. Thanks Colleen. I too love cherries and whenever I'm in Canada, I enjoy them to the fullest. Hubby complains about the price but I sacrifice a chocolate or ice cream for cherries :)

  5. They look amazing! Almost too perfect to eat! <3

  6. Oh how does one join the Fantasical Food Fight? That sounds like so much fun! I too feel your pain over expensive ingredients--we're up in Alaska and EVERYTHING (almost) is imported so high prices are the norm although I have to say that 29 for a kilo of cherries is more than I've ever seen up here. Your cobbler parfaits are really beautiful and I pinned them. Cheers!
    Oh and thank you for linking up to the Friday Frenzy, so glad to find your blog!

    1. Thank you Laura. I'm happy to find other bloggers through Friday Frenzy. To join the Fntastical Food Fight which is a monthly event please write to Sarah Ellis fantasticalsharing1@gmail.com
      Check out this link for more information http://www.fantasticalsharing.com/p/fantastical-food-fight.html

  7. This looks so yummy, and parfait looks awesome. I love cherries, nice recipe.

  8. These look AMAZING! I'm going to make them for sure!


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