660.Chickpea and Sweet Potato Curry

Healthy curry

Theme: Healthy Weekday Lunches

BM#77 Week 4 Day 1

   Most of us love our rich gravies and curries. To prepare them we add a bit more oil or ghee so that the masalas fry well, we add cream, we add nuts etc etc. No doubt they turn out yummy but having a rich curry everyday for lunch or dinner is not healthy. However, that does not stop me from making the curries. I try and use very little oil, go easy on the spices and replace the cream with nut meals or coconut milk. 

   For the Healthy Weekday Lunches theme at Blogging Marathon I decided to make Chickpea and Sweet Potato Curry. This curry is light on the stomach, healthy and one can carry it work along with some rice, paratha or rotis. My daughter loves to carry curries like these to work... tasty and light. 

   Did you know that sweet potato is ever so healthy? They are a good source of Vitamins A, B6. C and D.  Vitamin B6 helps reduce chemical homocysteine in our bodies. Homocysteine has been linked with degenerative diseases and heart attacks.  Vitamin C is good to ward off colds and flus, is important for our bones and teeth, digestion and blood cell formation. Vitamin D helps to build up strong bones and helps our immune system. Vitamin A is beneficial for good sight. Sweet potatoes also contain iron are are a good source of essential minerals like magnesium, potassium. Sweet potato is good for diabetics. The natural sweetness is slowly released into the bloodstream that ensures a balanced and regular source of energy. They also are a good source of fiber which helps in digestion. 

   Chickpeas too help to regulate blood sugars high in fiber provides essential minerals and Vitamins, helps protect against heart diseases and cancer and is a great source of protein.

   Coconut milk is lactose free, rich in essential Vitamins and minerals, good source of fiber, helps lower cholesterol levels, improves blood pressure.

   With so many health benefits of the 3 main ingredients, how can one not like this curry. Its so easy to make it and delicious. Check out the recipe.

4 Servings

1 large (about 500g) sweet potato
1½ cups cooked chickpeas
1 tbsp oil
1 tbsp lemon juice
1 medium onion
1 tsp ginger paste
1 tsp garlic paste
1 tsp green chilli paste or 2 chilli finely chopped
¼ tsp turmeric powder (haldi)
1 tsp cumin seeds (jeera)
1 tsp salt
½ cup water
1 cup coconut milk
2-3 tbsp chopped fresh mint or coriander

  1. Peel, wash and cube the sweet potato.
  2. Chop the onion finely.
  3. Heat oil in a pan over medium heat.
  4. Add cumin seeds and as soon as they begin to sizzle add the onions.
  5. Stir fry the onions till they become soft.
  6. Add ginger, garlic and chilli paste. Stir for a few seconds.
  7. Add turmeric powder and sweet potato cubes.
  8. Mix well. Add water and salt.
  9. Cover the pan, lower the heat and cook the sweet potatoes till done.
  10. Add chickpeas and coconut milk. Let the curry simmer over low heat for 5 minutes.
  11. Garnish with chopped mint or coriander and serve with rice, roti or paratha.
  • I usually cook the chickpeas with a little bit of salt, so adjust the salt accordingly.
  • Try the curry with brown chickpeas, its tastes just as good.
  • I added mint which gives the curry a very refreshing taste.
You may want to check out my other curry recipes:
cowpea(chora)coconut curry
Paan Turia nu shaak (arbi leaves and turia)
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  1. I love the addition of the coconut milk to this curry, it must have made it really creamy.

  2. Reading about all. The health benefits , how can one not like this curry ? Indeed a very healthy one !

  3. Very interesting to read your post..I do agree this one not only makes a healthy lunch, its easy to make as well!

  4. As a science nerd, I geek out to information like what you have recounted here for the benefits of sweet potatoes. I'd add to that list that they're high in antioxidants! I am a big fan of curries: especially eating the leftovers for lunch the next day—the flavors become so much more amazing overnight!

  5. This curry looks so delicious! It has all of my favorite ingredients! I especially love using coconut milk as I'm lactose intolerant! Great recipe! Thanks for sharing!

  6. A healthy combination of ingredients.

  7. Wow, what a healthy and delicious curry that is Mayuri. Looks yumm!!

  8. Apart from it healthy benefits, i natural love sweet potato. Thanks for this outstanding article.

  9. Wow a delicious and healthy curry love it.

  10. Chickpea and sweet potato goes really well together, I too make this curry but I also add spinach to it, packed with goodness.

  11. What a wonderful recipe Mayuri! Curry is a definite favourite for us and sweet potato is probably top of my list of vegetables. So nourishing and wholesome. I'll be giving this a go!

  12. I love coconut milk based curries - this looks amazing

  13. Awww.. sweet potatoes in coconut milk... who would say no to that... great share. awesome.

  14. Lipsmacking curry, never had a chance to cook chickpeas and sweet potato together, am sure this curry will definitely please my tastebuds.

  15. Yummy and delicious.. Love chick peas and sweet potato together!!

  16. I have never tried chole with sweet potato, but did made a curry with chole and pumpkin. It looks delicious.


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