679. Chilli Mojito

Refreshingly Chilli

   Its time to post the Fantastical Food Fight recipe. For the month of August Sarah wanted us to use Rum in our food preparation. When the word Rum is mentioned I think of my favourite Rum and Raisin Cadbury Chocolate. But nowadays its difficult to find it in the supermarkets in Kenya.

   So what is Rum? Rum is a alcoholic beverage made from sugarcane juice or its byproducts like molasses. The juice or byproducts are fermented and then distilled. The liquid is then aged in oak barrels.

   I wanted to make some rum and raisin muffins but my hubby and son still don't want me to make anything sweet. So the next option was a cocktail. Nothing innovative about that but then its my first cocktail recipe on the blog. I love my cocktails but don't make them at home for myself. When I'm in UK, large family gatherings means alcohol flows. Its wine, beer and cocktails at home. When I go out with friends we enjoy some cocktails or wine. However, I always find that most restaurants and lounges make cocktails with minimum amount of alcohol. Its usually as though you're having a Mocktail.

   I decided to make a mojito the classic cocktail that most women love. The basic mojito has white rum, mint leaves, lime juice, sugar, ice and soda water. Some years ago during a dinner out with my cousin, I tasted a chilli margarita and love it. Since then have not had a chance to taste one as the restaurant we had it at has closed down.

   Instead of making the classic mojito I made a chilli mojito and we just literally went mad enjoying the cool cocktail as it was hot that day in Montreal. The ever so slight taste of the green chilli combined with mint and lime was unique and we had been making it again and again till the mint ran out. Oh no...don't get me wrong, not on the same day!

  Try this different kind of mojito. Make it for your friends during a BBQ party or if you're treating them to an Indian meal.

Serves 1
1½ - 2 oz white rum
8-10 mint leaves
1 green chilli
2 tbsp lime juice
2 tbsp sugar
enough ice cubes
cold soda water (club soda)
lime slices

  1. Muddle the mint leaves, sugar, lime juice and chilli. Make sure not you don't muddle the chilli too much.
  2. Add rum and mix.
  3. Pour it into a glass (usually a highball, which I don't have!)
  4. Fill the glass with some ice cubes.
  5. Pour cold soda water or club soda.
  6. Add some lime slices and serve.
  • To make a classic mojito omit the green chilli.
  • Can be made in large quantities in a jug or pitcher.
  • Try out a fruity mojito by adding some fruits. I added 6-8 blueberries instead of chilli and it was an equally refreshing cocktail.

You may want to check out what fellow members of Fantastical Food Fight have made using rum. 


  1. This sounds delicious! I've used chilies in margaritas, but not mojitos. I'm trying this this weekend!

  2. Mojitos are so good and refreshing but I love the idea of adding a chilli in it! One of my favorite drinks is like a smoothie/slushy with frozen mixed berries, pineapple, a shot of rum, and half a habanero. Something about the sweet and heat just go so well together. I imagine the mint and chilli work the same way!


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