375. Eggless chocolate crepes with strawberries- SFC #5

evil temptation

   Whenever I would make my signature dish, vegetable crepes, I had to make extra crepes(pronounced as cr+ape) so that the kids could have some dessert too. They loved to spread jam or nutella over the crepes. The Sweet Fantasy Club (started by Preeti of Simply Tadka) challenge for the month of February was eggless chocolate crepe with strawberries. What are crepes? Well they are just like pancakes but much thinner. Its a common street food in France. Creperies sell crepes with all sorts of fillings both sweet and savoury. Crepes can be served in restaurants with coffee or tea. They can be served as an appetizer, main meal or dessert. That's how versatile crepes are. They can be made from a variety of flours ranging from wheat flour to buck wheat flour. All sorts of flavours and spices are added to the crepe. Crepes can be folded into a triangle, an envelope shape, into half or rolled.
   Normally, I make both the recipes for the challenge as soon as possible but this time the crepes were still waiting to be made because I couldn't find any strawberries. The standby fruit was mangoes which we get plenty of, but a trip to Nairobi sorted out that problem. I bought lovely big juicy and sweet strawberries from a greengrocer there. My husband loved the dessert and actually thought I cut the strawberries in the shape of a heart, but promise I didn't.
     Try this dessert out, its simple to make and delicious. A treat for all chocolate lovers.

Serves 6- 8
adapted from my own crepe recipe

For the crepes:
¾ cup plain flour/ all purpose flour
¼ cup cocoa powder
¼ tsp baking powder
¼ tsp salt
3 tbsp sugar
¼ cup plain yogurt
¾ cup milk
1 tbsp melted butter
¼ cup water
pinch of soda bicarbonate

extra butter

For the filling:
1 -1½ cups chopped strawberries or a fruit of your choice
1 cup double cream (chilled)
2-3 tbsp powdered sugar

fresh cream, strawberry slices, chocolate sauce or powdered sugar

Preparation of the crepes:

  1. Sieve flour, cocoa powder, baking powder, soda bi-carbonate and salt together into a bowl.
  2. Mix in the sugar.
  3. Mix milk, water, melted butter and yogurt.
  4. Make a well in the middle of the flour mixture. Pour the liquid into the well.
  5. Slowly mix in the flour mixture using a circular motion.
  6. Cover the bowl and let the batter rest for at least 30 minutes.
  7. Heat a non stick pan. Brush a little butter over the pan.
  8. Take about a quarter cup of the batter and pour it onto the hot pan. Using a spoon or swirling the pan, spread the batter into a circular motion.
  9. Add a little butter on the sides and let the crepe cook over medium heat till the top part appears cooked. Flip it over and cook for 30 seconds or so.
  10. Remove the crepe and repeat steps 8 to 9 till all the batter is used.
  11. Keep the crepes on the side till required.
Preparation of the filling:

  1. Add sugar to the cream and whip it lightly.
  2. Add the chopped strawberries and fold it in gently.
  3. Keep it in the fridge till required.
Final preparation:

  1. Just before serving, put the strawberry mixture in the middle of the crepe. Fold either into half or with both ends over each other.
  2. Sprinkle powdered sugar, or drizzle with fresh cream or chocolate sauce. Top with fruit and serve.

  • Do not use sour yogurt.
  • If the batter is too thick to spread, add a little water.
  • Don't let the pan become too hot otherwise the batter will not spread easily.
  • I like using a small ladle or a small steel bowl to spread the batter. Its like making dosas or pudlas.
  • I prefer using a none stick pan.
  • You will get 6 to 8 depending on the size of the crepes. Mine were about 8 inches in diameter so I got only 6.
  • Use any fresh fruit like mangoes, peaches, other berries etc of your choice.
  • The reason I liked this dessert is because I could control the amount of sugar used.
You may want to check out the following:

eggless chocolate muffins
double chocolate brownie cookies

coconut chocolate

Sending this recipe for the following events:

simply food



  1. These crepes look really delicious.Thanks for sending them to lets cook sweet treats for valentine event.


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