
Showing posts from June, 2017

664. Fusion Veggie Taquitos

A Fusion Recipe     Its the end of the month and that means its time to post a Shhh Cooking Secretly Group recipe. What is this group about? The initiator of the group is Priya Suresh a blogger at Priya's Versatile Recipes. Every month members are paired up and then they give each other two secret ingredients based on the theme. We prepare the dish and post just the photo so other members can guess the secret ingredients. At the end of the month we post  our recipes and the secret ingredients each got are out!      This month my partner was a new comer to the group, but I've known her for a while. She's a young blogger with recipes on her blog that are little different and yet she has a trove of heirloom recipes too. She is Kriti Singhal Agrawal. She blogs at Krispy Kadhai and also runs a Facebook Page called From the Diaries of Great Cooks where she introduces followers to different cuisines of the world and you can share your recipes.    This month our theme was Fried Sn

663.Baked Falafel Salad Bowl

A fulfilling bowl Theme: Healthy Weekday Lunches BM#77 Week 4 Day 3    When its really hot and humid in Mombasa, the last thing hubby and I want for lunch is curries, parathas and rice. I try and make exciting salads which are filling and yet healthy. As I've mentioned before I like my salads to be as colourful as possible. I like falafel but having it with pita bread can be heavy on the stomach during the hot season. I hate frying food during the hot season and will only fry if I have guests over.    I baked the falafel, but it was refusing to turn that nice golden colour. I didn't want to keep on brushing more oil on it. However, the baked ones tasted really good with the salad. However, if you want to fry them then please go ahead.    To make it a filling meal (something that will not have hubby running to the fridge in 1 hour!) I added quinoa. Quinoa is a super food as its labelled by experts. Its gluten free, high in protein. It contains flavonoids (plant antioxidants)

662. Beetroot Appe

Love this recipe    Its Monday and yes you've guessed right.. its #FoodieMonday #Bloghop day. Our #98th theme was chosen by Saswati who blogs at Delish Potpourri . Saswati's got a beautiful blog full of travel stories, a variety of recipes from different parts of the world and I love her desserts. She suggested #CWFB which means Cooking with a fellow blogger. For this theme we had a choose any recipe from a fellow blogger in our group. I have so many recipes bookmarked from all these members, it was difficult to choose which one to cook.    Sticking to my healthy cooking as far as possible, I narrowed it down to 2 recipes that I've tried and made again and again. One is rava kara paniyaram from Saswati's blog and the other is beetroot appe from Sujata's blog Batter up with Sujata. I've made both these a number of times and the reason I decided to make the beetroot appe is because I had just bought some fresh beetroot. I made them for Sunday brunch and serve

661. Pasta with Parsley Walnut Pesto

Ideal Workplace lunch Theme: Healthy Weekday Lunches BM#77 Week 4 Day 2    During my visits to Bangalore, I've prepared healthy and filling salads for my daughter to carry to work. She doesn't like me adding fruit to the salad. The salads have to be filling and yet not too heavy. Pasta salad is one of the salads I prepare just not for her but also for myself. Hot days usually means salads for lunch. I pack the dressing separately so that the salad stays crispy and one can choose the amount of dressing they want to add to the salad.    This parsley and walnut pesto tasted so amazing. Since it was a simple salad, the star is the pesto sauce. Initially I thought that the taste of parsley would be overpowering but believe me it was not... and I had to use the curly parsley instead of the flat one. Usually pestos call for a copious amount of olive oil. I decided to reduce the amount oil and used a bit of water instead. If you add water, the pesto stays good only for a few days in th

660.Chickpea and Sweet Potato Curry

Healthy curry Theme: Healthy Weekday Lunches BM#77 Week 4 Day 1    Most of us love our rich gravies and curries. To prepare them we add a bit more oil or ghee so that the masalas fry well, we add cream, we add nuts etc etc. No doubt they turn out yummy but having a rich curry everyday for lunch or dinner is not healthy. However, that does not stop me from making the curries. I try and use very little oil, go easy on the spices and replace the cream with nut meals or coconut milk.     For the Healthy Weekday Lunches theme at Blogging Marathon I decided to make Chickpea and Sweet Potato Curry. This curry is light on the stomach, healthy and one can carry it work along with some rice, paratha or rotis. My daughter loves to carry curries like these to work... tasty and light.     Did you know that sweet potato is ever so healthy? They are a good source of Vitamins A, B6. C and D.  Vitamin B6 helps reduce chemical homocysteine in our bodies. Homocysteine has been linked with degenerative di

659. Peaches and Cream Oatmeal Cups

Peaches and Cream Day     Did you know that 21st June is celebrated as the National Peaches and Cream Day in USA? Well, I didn't know till Sarah Ellis initiator of Fantastical Food Fight suggested that for the June theme we should prepare something with Peaches and Cream theme. It also marks the beginning of the summer solstice. Its more popular in the south as peaches are in season in June in the states of Georgia, Florida, California and South Carolina. How this day came about is unknown.     As the name suggests this dessert is very easy to prepare. Its peaches served with whipped fresh cream. The simple dessert is so delicious that I was tempted to just make this simple dessert for the post. What stopped me was the cream part.. it would not do too well on my hips and ever enlarging tummy (hate menopause!).     As a not too healthy and not too sinful dish, I decided to make peaches and 'cream' oatmeal cups. I replaced the cream with some healthy greek yogurt. Why not t

658. Shorbat Adas (Middle Eastern Lentil Soup)

A Healthy Ramadan    The holy month of Ramadan is observed by Muslims all over the world.It is the ninth month of the Islamic Lunar calendar.Its the month when the Holy Quran was revealed to the Prophet Muhammed. During this month the Muslims fast for the whole month from sunrise to sunset. The holy month of Ramadan is much more about purifying the soul, focusing attention on God and about self discipline and sacrifice rather than focusing on food and drink.    After sunset the fast is broken by taking a few sips of water and a few dates during Iftar or the evening meal. Suhoor is the meal served before sunrise. This meal is usually hearty and healthy meal to provide one with energy.    Keeping in mind my intention of preparing healthy recipes (well, at least trying to) I decided not to make a rich fried snack but a healthy, replenishing, hydrating soup. Shorbat Adas is a Middle Eastern soup usually served at the beginning of Iftar. It is light on the stomach, provides the much needed